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Mobile Home Re-certification

Updated: May 31, 2024

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Mobile home living is providing new and affordable opportunities for home ownership in BC. With the high cost of real estate throughout the Lower Mainland, home buyers have discovered that a mobile/manufactured home can offer very affordable options. Some mobile or manufactured home parks offer seniors only, or family oriented communities, complete with club house, community swimming pool and tennis courts or play ground. These are attractive features for anyone looking for affordable housing.

Mobile Home Re-certification Required

Everyone deserves to live in a safe home and a safe electrical system is the focus of the Silver Label requirement. If the manufacturer's CSA label can not be found on the unit itself, the re-certification application begins with an electrical inspection by a licensed electrical contractor. Please note that the CSA number recorded on documentation only is not sufficient as the label must be physically attached to the unit. The electrical inspection includes testing of the electrical circuits and reporting the test results as required by Technical Safety BC. If there are any electrical repairs needed, or Code violations to be corrected, these are addressed at this time before the home can transfer ownership. Therefore, mobile home re-certification is the responsibility of the seller.

Mobile Home Re-certification Provides Peace Of Mind

New homeowners have the peace of mind in knowing that a licensed professional electrician has already inspected the home, tested the electrical system and corrected any existing Electrical Code violations. A local Technical Safety BC Electrical Inspector has also inspected the home and applied the required Silver Label to the electrical panel. This Silver label is specific to this particular home and is not transferable as if references a Silver Label electrical permit as well as the specifications of the home.

Mobile Home Re-certification Can Be Lost

If subsequent regulated electrical changes are made in the home by the new homeowner (without an electrical permit), the existing mobile home re-certification will be compromised and the Silver Label will become void. The homeowner will then be required to re-apply for mobile home re-certification before selling the home again. Depending on the situation, this can be a costly, but completely avoidable, oversight. The solution is to hire an electrical contractor to complete any regulated work under an electrical permit. This ensures that the electrical work is done by a trained and knowledgeable electrician who is following current Electrical Code rules when completing any work.

The intent of the Silver Label mobile home re-certification is to ensure that the buyer is purchasing an electrically safe home.

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